Advanced BIPV (Building Integrated PV)

Course description

This course is designed for those looking to deepen their understanding of BIPV systems and leverage this knowledge in the real estate market to create sustainable and energy-efficient properties.

It’s designed to provide both theoretical knowledge and practical insights, preparing participants to make informed decisions and implement BIPV solutions in their projects effectively.

This course is designed for:

Real estate stakeholders in Europe

Real estate stakeholders, including architects, construction professionals, developers, project managers, photovoltaic professionals, and any other professionals willing to enter the advanced level of understanding the BIPV subject.

Course Objectives

By the end of this course you will: 

  • Gain a comprehensive understanding of BIPV technology, including its components, technical capabilities and how it works.
  • Understand the landscape of BIPV solutions existing in the European market.
  • Understand the BIPV project development process and sequence of important steps.
  • Learn about the benefits of BIPV such as energy efficiency, sustainability, and aesthetics, as well as the challenges like cost, maintenance, and technical constraints.
  • Understand the BIPV integration options into various building designs, considering architectural aesthetics, structural integrity, and energy performance.
  • Understand the financial aspects of BIPV, including cost estimation, payback and ROI.
  • Learn about the regulatory landscape governing BIPV installations.

Course level:


Course price:

359 EUR


13:00 - 18:00 CET

Total participants:

6-10 people

Course Schedule:

13:00 – Introduction

13:05 – BIPV Market Overview and Technologies

  • Market overview, trends
  • PV module layouts
  • Seamless façade system integration
  • Fire protection

15:30 – Q&A, discussion

15:45 – Break

16:00 – BIPV Standards, Regulations and Economics

  • Standards & grid integration
  • Building physics issues
  • Yield estimation
  • Payback period
  • Costs estimation

17:30 – Q&A, discussion

17:45 – 18:00 Wrap up 


Contributing Sponsor

Intelligent Solar is a Lithuanian manufacturer specializing in Building-Integrated Photovoltaics (BIPV). They focus on customized PV modules production that can be integrated into building structures, such as walls, facades, and roofs, replacing conventional building materials. Their approach combines energy generation with architectural design, offering PV modules specialized for façade systems that convert sun radiation into electrical energy. Intelligent Solar prides on its professional team, extensive expertise in BIPV, and dedication to customizing solutions that meet customer expectations while enhancing building aesthetics. The company has been involved in various projects, demonstrating their ability to implement complex technical solutions.

Why should you join this course?

  • Enhance your professional growth
  • Build confidence in BIPV project decision-making
  • Fill gaps in your BIPV subject knowledge
  • Efficiently and confidently communicate with project stakeholders
  • Get answers from top professionals in the market
  • Expand your professional network
  • Open doors to new professional and sales opportunities
Are you looking for an efficient and cost-effective way to achieve this?
We designed a specialized and practical online course tailored for real estate stakeholders.

Reasons to enroll:

  • Up-to-date course material reflecting the latest industry trends.
  • Access to leading experts in the BIPV market.
  • A concise schedule with focused course material for people who value their time.
  • Opportunities for networking and building professional relationships
  • Interactive live session enabling direct discussion and answers to your questions.
  • A focus on practical knowledge immediately applicable in the market.
  • Cost-efficient investment in your professional and business development and future success.

Online courses specialized for businesses and public institutions. Empowering renewable energy professionals and stakeholders.

Copyright © 2023 MB Energetinis Intelektas (Įm. k. 306281258)

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